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Re: Collecting on Long Island NY

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Posted by RobLINY on April 15, 2003 at 20:15:53:

In Reply to: Re: Collecting on Long Island NY posted by bloomindaedalus on April 15, 2003 at 14:35:25:

A parking lot is right. Just the other day I went to a spot I went to years ago. It was a decent sized lot with 2 ponds in the middle surrounded by houses and next to a school. It was great, lots of brown snakes and garters and I caught at least 7 box turtles there. Everything I caught there I would take to my neighborhood and let go in the large state park I have across the street from my house. Well I just visited it the other day, out of the blue and guess what, they JUST ripped down half of it, the area that had all the turtles and snakes. I walked over the crushed woods and kicked up 9 garters and a few browns, they were shell shocked, saw a few dead ones too. I can just imagine how many snakes and box turtles that were buried by the bulldozer.

You said there are snakes on fire island, where and what type? I would guess hogs. I know there are diamond backed turtles there, they put up crossing signs for them on the parkway.

But Long Island is turning into a giant parkinglot and it won't be long, i don't think before all the wildlife is gone.

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