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Re: Snake Wranglers

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Posted by Wolverton on April 13, 2003 at 12:38:32:

In Reply to: Re: Snake Wranglers posted by mrcanada21 on April 13, 2003 at 08:45:08:

: Kind of like Steve Irwin? This idiot picks up rattlesnakes without any pinning, he free handles them! Given, those are probably venomoids, or "tame" pets, but he does it on T.V.! What kind of message does this send? I'll bet some money, that U.S. snakebites are on the increase, or soon will be. And then there's, oooo...don,t get me started.

People should be putting the well-being of the animals first rather then trying to impress the audience with careless handling techniques....I'm not impressed by it. I'm glad there are some people who are passionate enough to comment on this kind of crap, those show-off types have always irritated me.


::I caught one of the Snake Wrangler TV episodes the other night, and quite frankly, I was appalled. Some guy named Jim from Kentucky was road cruising for Mojave rattlers for a venom collection project. His fingers were absolutely mangled from past bites, which was totally understandable once you watched his technique. He jumped out of his vehicle barefoot, and simply had to pin and grab everything. At one point, he was actually holding a small Mojave behind the head while driving down the road. Fortunately, he only spotted a couple, because if they had been out in numbers, he would have probably been tagged again. Knowing all of the kids that watch these "experts", I really have to shake my head at this nonsense. Is anyone really surprised that we have these antivenin shortages these days?


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