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EJ, that has got to be the nicest field report I have ever

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Posted by Bluerosy on April 07, 2003 at 16:23:53:

In Reply to: Costa Rica part 4... (last entry)(promis) posted by EJ on April 06, 2003 at 00:10:22:

...seen on ANY Field collecting forum!...REALLY!!!
I need to just sit here and reveiw those pics again .
Cudos for an excellent and most colorful and entertaining report.
The question I kept asking myself, how hard it must be to leave some of those herps behind? It would be near impossible for me. At least I would try. How hard is it to legally take some back?

:On the final day heading back to the airport we went through the mountains (3000m) and it was cold. Really weird. We found these alligator type lizards which were fairly common.

:Mesaspis monticola (female).

:Mesaspis monticola (male) In this area

: there is this viper that has basically the same pattern and coloration as this lizard which you really can't see in this picture that it is an emerald green color that is unreal. It is really neat.
:Finally, we came across this diner that sits on a cliff. At the back windows they have these bird feeders and the variety of hummingbirds that frequent these feeders cannot be described. (ever try to film one of those with a digital camera?... impossible)
:But that was the icing on the cake of the trip. I can’t wait to go back.


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