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found a spotted turtle!

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Posted by lenrely on April 04, 2003 at 23:27:48:

Ive been herping in this state all my life and before yesterday had never seen a spotted turtle. And yet there he was in the road, jerking his head in whenever a car passed within a foot of his nose. He is a perfect subadult male and now shares a basking spot with a painted of similar size. Ive only been in this neighborhood a week, which I hoped would contain herps but wow! In the same 20 minutes I passed an adult snapper, but when I returned 5 minutes later it was gone. Today I almost stepped on a nickel-sized painted hatchling in the road that looked like it would have been cooked by the sun in a matter of minutes. I placed him in a ditch where there is shallow current but no predators. The neighborhood contains a full lake and swamp, and is so big I havent been able to walk the entire course at once.
I am hoping the "crossing" where the road dips in the swampy area will yield many more finds and no tragedies.


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