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Re: Rubber Boas

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Posted by snakeguy88 on March 25, 2003 at 21:58:04:

In Reply to: Rubber Boas posted by naryan93602 on March 25, 2003 at 20:47:32:

I normally never agree with bluerosy (IE the hyrbid forum) yet in this case, I must definitely do. If people give you "tips and places" it sounds like you want the exact boards and rocks to flip. You already have a location that is just about as good as you can get...From there you just need to learn for yourself about what is their standard habitat and what makes for the best flipping area. No one is being negative...this way, nobody loses their spots and you make your trip worth while when you finally find the snake on your own. You then learn about what are the appropriate conditions for them and what aren't, which is priceless and can only be learned through hands on experience. Andy

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