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Eastern Milks are easy....

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Posted by mike z on March 21, 2003 at 13:17:50:

In Reply to: Eastern Milks posted by NAHerps on March 20, 2003 at 18:44:02:

...once you get an eye for the right conditions. One season you'll finally find one or two, next season it's 8 or 10, then you'll be able to find them almost at will.
Two of the best scenarios:
#1] A 4x8 sheet of plywood lying in an old field, close to the edge, on the sunny side. The older the the wood the better [but not rotten!] Extra points for nearby stone walls.
#2] A grassy mountain bald about 1500' - 2000' elevation, south, southeast or southwest facing, lots of flat stones, blueberries, junipers and grass tufts. Watch where you put your fingers, in Pa. that could be timber rattler habitat as well.

Best time of year by far is late May, early June. That is also just about the ONLY time you're likely to find females on the surface. Best time of day is after supper till dark. After really warm nights, they may still be out after dawn. They tend to go underground during the day, especially in really hot or cold weather.
Oh and one more thing, carefully replace all cover exactly as you found it. Not just because you should, but because once you find a milk under a particular piece of cover, you will almost certainly find others under the same piece at another time.

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