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Re: Just a point....

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Posted by NAHerps on March 21, 2003 at 13:03:37:

In Reply to: Just a point.... posted by chrish on March 21, 2003 at 09:14:42:

:Please do not waste my time with answers read out of a textbook, i want to hear real exp.

:Where do you think those "answers" in the book come from anyway? Generally, the come from people with many years of experience. Often on forums like this, you get responses like "I found one once in .....". A book is probably more reflective of reality.

:And secondly, go out and look yourself. You will find it much more rewarding to flip a thousand stones before you finally find one than to have someone tell you exactly which stone/board to flip.

:I spent seven years looking for LA Milk Snakes in eastern Texas (mostly in the wrong habitat) before I finally found one (April 12, 1989). They joy I felt at finding that snake would have been far less is someone had told me "go over and look under the bark of that stump". I have found dozens of them since, but that first one was a great memory because I earned it!

:Don't seek out shortcuts, enjoy the experience!

I HAVE been looking for them around my area (SE PA)! That's why I posted in the first place, because I know they're around, but field guides have been absolutely WORTHLESS so far.... This summer i plan on checking out some spots recommended by non-herping friends who reported seeing "those milky snakes" or "corn snakes" (Corn snakes do not live anywhere near PA.)

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