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Are you doing a study to find out IF collecting reptiles...

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Posted by JDM on March 17, 2003 at 18:38:34:

In Reply to: Snake population declines due to pet trade? posted by reed on March 16, 2003 at 11:10:20:

for the pet trade causes population declines? That seems to be the big question. Or are you already under the assumption that collecting reptiles does affect reptile populations and are only seeking information to prove your assumption? Would you be willing to accept that the few people who collect reptiles have no effect on populations of reptiles if that is what a study showed? I dont have any data for you either way, but I was just wondering what was the actual purpose of your inquiry. As far as I know, you could contact Texas Parks and Wildlife, they have been keeping information on reptiles collected in Texas for the past few years and if my take is right on the situation, they are now starting to make some changes to their regulations based on what they have found (some species they are offering more protection to, and many others are no longer of any concern to them). I could also point you in the right direction for some useful information, depending on what you are trying to accomplish.

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