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Posted by chrish on March 04, 2003 at 12:53:08:

In Reply to: Herping Hot Spots ? posted by elaphe4herps on March 03, 2003 at 21:44:46:

You will find that people don't answer these sorts of questions here online. The reason is that if I were to tell you about my favorite herping spot along the east coast, I would be telling thousands of people who read these forums, including commercial collectors who would then pillage the site just to make money.

There have also been cases of commercial collectors posting "innocent" posts like yours to find new spots to pad their wallets.

So as a general rule, we don't respond to these posts. Nothing personal.

I suggest you look for trashpiles (the outskirts of towns are good for these) and try hunting some of the national forests where it is legal to hunt. Areas near water are generally more productive that drier areas.

Make sure you have the appropriate licenses for any states you are herping in.

Have a good trip.

BTW - it is a violation of's Terms of Service to post the same question on a whole series of different forums like you have done.

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