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Re: Herping Hot Spots ?

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Posted by catsngeckos on March 04, 2003 at 11:47:18:

In Reply to: Herping Hot Spots ? posted by elaphe4herps on March 03, 2003 at 21:44:46:

I wouldn't waste your time asking this :( No offense, but I did the same thing when I first got on this board and was promptly ignored. Now half of my posts are ignored.

Its pretty sad that newbies aren't even given a chance anymore-more often than not they get met with rude posts, and go away completely upset and uninformed about their pets or their hobby.

Your best idea would be to just go there, and look around. Spring is usually the best time for most reptiles (though I don't know alot about the east side of the US)


:Well, the herping season is on us. My father and I are planning a trip down through the southern East coast. We live in Raleigh North Carolina and want to hit the road down south towards Florida. I was wondering if anyone has any hots spots they might want to share. It doesn't have to be YOUR SECRET spot, but any generel vacinities would be much appreciated.


:We are willing to go ANYWHERE south of NC. We are most likely going to visit Jasper Co., SC (okeetee corn snake country). Does ANYONE have any suggestions on where to go? When to go? Preferably in Georgia, South/North Carolina or Florida?


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