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found deceased female rat today

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Posted by NZ on May 05, 2003 at 00:31:37:

In Reply to: found deceased female rat today posted by Sonya on May 04, 2003 at 21:33:43:

Since she didn't die right after weight I would guess it was not due to blood loss, maybe a blod clott. If the babies are healthy an enfection could have taken them too, so that's a long shot. I had the same thing happen to my female Hammy who was in perfect health weeks after she gave birth. When her babies were almost weaned she died, I am guessing the babies sucked her dry and she did not drink water for a while and she just dehydrated and died.

:I would bet that she either just plain wore herself out after lost blood and all that or she had a secondary infection slowly work through her. Are the pups okay? Or are they small and bony? Then I would suspect infection.

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