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POLL: prices of rodent lab blocks?

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Posted by franklin edwards on April 30, 2003 at 22:50:45:

In Reply to: POLL: prices of rodent lab blocks? posted by ross2k on April 28, 2003 at 20:44:09:

Well I pay $25.00 for 50lbs. It is a 23% protien rodent chow. And i use 100lbs a day and this is the cheapest I have found here in seattle. There are some cheaper with only a 16
% protien but the 23% works so much better. They all grow twice as fast

:I've called all the local feed supply places in my area and its unanimous, $25 for 50lbs! Sure seems like a lot to me. None of them are willing to give me a deal unless I buy it by the pallete which is 800lbs.

:Is there any cheaper way to go about this? I used to use the cheapo brand dog food, but I imagine that rodent chow is better for them.

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