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pregnant serogate mouse too big ready to burst can see skin!

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Posted by GEM on April 27, 2003 at 19:21:36:

In Reply to: pregnant serogate mouse too big posted by Sonya on April 27, 2003 at 16:39:11:

She is so big that I can see a bit of skin on each of her sides at the top of her belly. She's eating and drinking. Constantly taking care of the other mom's babes,feeding, grooming more so than the mom. Will this cause problem. I'm sure she should have had them in the last couple days.

:Sounds like you have routine problems setting up pregnant females for the first time. I would let everyone be and wait to see what happens. That she is taking care of the litter there is a hopeful sign that she won't eat it later. Often you will get new moms do that and second time around they are all fine.

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