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How we feed and collect nymphs...

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Posted by shannons on April 23, 2003 at 22:04:38:

In Reply to: How do you feed? posted by iwana on April 23, 2003 at 09:18:46:

Hey. I hand feed the geckos - that is, I either hand feed them or keep an eye on the roach till they get it since some of the lizard cages aren't lined with vaseline . Bearded eats out of my hand so he's not a problem. For the veiled, who is in a reptarium, we put one large roach a day-ish on the inside of his enclosure wall. It will usually sit there and maybe climb around - if he's hungry and it's his normal dinnertime he will go right up there and eat it. The Jackson's eats nymphs out of his dish as soon as we drop them in so they don't have time to get out, or we place them on the screen of his cage by him (he is not hand-shy - a good boy :) and he just "thwaps" them off of there. It definitly took practice, patience, and time to get down a feeding routine that works, but they are so easy to raise that it was worth it for us. I just pick nymphs out of the cage when we give them the roaches their daily food- babies usually gather on the bottom side of the egg cartons I give them to climb around on. To dust them, we shake and bake them in a plastic bag. I only clean the colony every month or so at the most - they are roaches after all :) I take the egg cartons out with the roaches on them, put them in an escape proof container, round up any that are left in the bin, and then dump out the old aspen, disinfect, put in clean aspen, some new veggies and dog food, and put the roaches back in. If I have time and egg cartons, I use a dull object like an old butter knife to ease the roaches off of their old egg cartons into the bin. Then I throw those yucky ones away and just place the clean egg cartons (I usually cut the 12 pack ones in half) in the bin for the roaches to discover. E-mail me if you have questions: I love my roach colony. *grin*

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