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Re: new rodent breeding idea, whattya think?

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Posted by boissonnault on April 20, 2003 at 11:44:06:

In Reply to: new rodent breeding idea, whattya think? posted by animalmaniac on April 20, 2003 at 10:54:14:

:Hi everyone,
: I posted a few days ago about breeding rodents in my horse stall, but you advised me not to. I still may try to keep them in the cooler tack room/closet, but space is tight there. I was thinking of building a shelving system to put in my basement, which stays nice and cool in the summer. I was thinking of using rubbermaid tubs to keep breeding rats and mice in. What do you all think of about a 2 gallon rubbermaid with four female mice and a male in it? What about the same size with just one female rat, except for when a male is in there for "servicing." Or would it be better to keep two females in a 90 qt (about 1X3X1.5 feet high) for breeding. What do you all think? If you all have any suggestions for a CO2 euthanizing system for a small amount of rodents I would appreciate that a lot too!
: Sorry for all the questions, I am new at this and want to get the biggest bang for my buck! I have tried searching the archives, but it is hard to find questions like these with serious replies. Thanks,

: animalmaniac

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