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Re: question

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Posted by DeMak on April 19, 2003 at 20:33:40:

In Reply to: question posted by nightdwarf on April 19, 2003 at 00:20:20:


This is a question we chat about all the time. If you use the search box, you will see posts going back to 1998 on this subject! I raise rats on a locally made rodent chow that I buy from a breeder in Los Angeles, who uses it for both. I supplement that with a little cabbage each week. Watch out, do not give too much or it will cause real soft poop which gets everywhere. I give it to supplement vit C. But the feed I get is real fresh, so I don't know if it's nessecary.

I have used dog chow in the past and done fine. It seems the cheaper the better, ie. more grains. I have also fed Purina One Lamb and Rice out of my dog's bin when I ran out. They're rodents! They thrive on almost anything. Watch out for feeds with red dye, though. There has been much talk that this accumulates in rodent internal organs and is toxic to reptiles. I don't remember the source of this info.

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