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Re: Getting screwed

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Posted by Steve on February 09, 2000 at 10:46:16:

In Reply to: Getting screwed posted by Tom Winegar on January 30, 2000 at 21:50:59:


Expos, in my opinion, are the only inexpensive way to purchase herps. Without them we are (1)restricted to buying from pet stores (wehre you paying not just for the animal, but the shipping to the store, the electricity the store uses, the rent on the building, any advertisement, the clerk's salary, and on and on and on). (2) Buying them sight unseen from a breeder & paying the freight. (3) Purchasing (again, sight unseen) from an importer. (4) Collecting them straight from the wild. Would want the 5th option eliminated?

I cannot speak for every Expo, and I'm sure there are those who attend Expos and see dollar signs without understanding what goes into producing quality captive bred animals. Those are the ones that "screw" people. I don't think you should attack the entire industry for the actions of a few individuals. There are dishonest people in any profession (police, lawyers, doctors, supervisors, etc.), so logically, there will be unscrupulous breeders/dealers. These individuals tend to be quickly indentified and weeded out. So your problem is NOT with the Expos themselves, but with dishonest breeder/dealers OR with your own practices.

I CAN speak knowledgeably about the Texas Reptile Expo, the owners/promoters of TRE, and many of the venders that participate in TRE. I purchase 99% of my animals through the TRE. Any problem I have ever had was dealt with to my satisifaction (and beyond). These vendors have become close friends and I will continue to buy from them.

And that's all I have to say about that.


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