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Re: Michelle - Mice at Lee Watson

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Posted by Tom on January 14, 2000 at 14:57:38:

In Reply to: Re: Illinois expos-Tom Please read posted by Michelle on January 14, 2000 at 13:28:50:

I get all of my feeders from the Lee Watson swap. I buy in bulk and store them in a chest freezer I use strictly for mice/rats/rabbits. They have plenty of mice there, but make sure you get there early. The rodent breeders often start running out later in the day. Ask a few of the snake dealers which mice supplier they feel is the best as far as price/quality because some are better than others. I can't remeber the name of the guy I buy mine from, I just know him by looks when I go. I live in the south suburbs, so if I need a live one, I just run to the Chicago Reptile House in Orland Park and get one from there, but since they are a retail reptile store, their prices are much higher than buying live at a swap.

: Hi,
: Well it looks like Serpent City might not be around anymore. Can you recommend any good feeder mice suppliers? I got all my stuff from Serpent City and now Im kinda lost! I need the sub-adult and adult mice. Any info you have is greatly appreciated! I'll probably be at the show then, wandering around with my father trying to find a new source. I only have three mice eating snakes to feed now, but planned to get a few more this breeding season.
: Michelle

: : As far as I know, there will be a show on th 16th, though I haven't gotten an annual schedule yet. I was probably going to try to get there either sunday the 16th or Feb. 5 as I'm in need for rats/rabbits myself. I'm not familiar with Serpent City or Scott Michaels. Who is he and what is Serpent City(a retail store, a mail order business, etc.)?

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