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Re: NOAH Show, or other north east shows?

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Posted by asokolik on April 16, 2003 at 16:28:16:

In Reply to: NOAH Show, or other north east shows? posted by Tbone on April 14, 2003 at 15:32:07:

:Any one been to a NOAH show this year? If so how was it? And is it worth a drive from NY. Also wondering if there are any shows that are better and what they are.Im planing on going to at least one show this summer so im planing ahead. Thanks

I know of two shows comming up in late summer/early fall. In late August (usually the fourth weekend)there is a show in Syracuse, NY. Every year that I've gone there have always of been plenty of vendors and a good crowd. It's usually worth checking out.

On September 28 the Western New York Reptile Show and Seminar will be held in the Buffalo area. Every year we have been getting more and more vendors and we also feature lectures throughout the day. Last year we had a good number of vendor and a good crowd. This year we will have a local veternarian speaking on Herp Health and we will also have Tom Hudak of Scales and Tails doing a live animal demonstration with several of his animals. Check out the link below for more information about the show. Just click the "Show Information" link.

A.J. Sokolik
Western New York Herpetological Society

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