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Re: Pittsburgh Herp Soc: Cheers or Jeers?

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Posted by Todd Evans on April 15, 2002 at 17:26:14:

In Reply to: Pittsburgh Herp Soc: Cheers or Jeers? posted by aaron on April 14, 2002 at 23:43:28:

I will try to be as impartial as I can (I help sponsor a show it Pittsburgh as well)

It REALLY depends on what show you go to. Some of their shows are absolutely great, and some leave much to be desired. I can't really tell you if they're good or not, simply because I've seen both kinds with them. Usually they are not so bad. you may have trouble finding the higher ticket items though. It's not because they don't invite those vendors, but that the vendors often times keep those kinds of theings at home. Even with our show (southwestern PA reptile show and sale) it's venomous included, but some vendors just won't bring the more higher priced items. It seems that in PIttsburgh, there is at least 1 reptile show per month (pittsburgh is monthly, we're quarterly) so the it's not that big of an "Event" as a regularly scheduled flea market (not in a bad way) in that it's not really anything to look forward to.

Just my thoughts,
Todd Evans

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