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Sunday January 20th Reptile Expo, MississaugaOntario, Canada

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Posted by Grant on January 18, 2002 at 22:07:20:

Happy New Year everyone. Here is an updated list of vendors scheduled for the expo. This is a first of the year expo so there should be some bargoons present as well as some good times. Drop by and say hello and happy new year to all of the regulars that attend these great social functions. To some herpers its really the only time they get out and see everyone, so it is a nice place to meet people and exchange info on reptiles. Renew your club membership, pick up some feeders or the favourite of all expos have a nice tall cold one (pop). The facility is just over
4800 square feet and promises to have some great vendors. The facility also allows
us to hold our annual reptile talks presented by the Ontario Herpetological Society, the Ontario
Turtle and Tortoise Society, Port Credit Pet Centre. Each swap will have speakers scheduled
through out the day. The meeting room seats sixty to seventy so its really on a first come first
serve basis.

The expo is located at the
Army, Navy and Air Force Club Unit #262 ,
765 Third Street in Mississauga.
The simplest directions are as follows bring 401, 403 or QEW (east or west bound) to Cawthra
Road. Exit southbound onto Cawthra Road to Third Street. Turn East onto Third St. and the club
is approx. 200 meter's on the north side. While driving south on Cawthra watch for the reptile
expo signs.

This Expo is Sponsored and Hosted by
Port Credit Pets and High Quality Reptiles.
"Working together for a better herp community."

Sunday January 20th, 2002
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Admission: $4.00 per person
Kids under 12yrs of age $3.00

Guest Speakers:
11:00 a.m. The Ontario Herpetological Society present
12:30 p.m. The Ontario Turtle and Tortoise Society present
speaker tba
1:30 p.m. Port Credit Pet Centre and Fluker Labs present

Vendors confirmed to date:
High Quality Reptiles
Port Credit Pet Centre
Global Exotics
Jeff Carson
Woodland Edge Herps
Reptiles Canada
Scotty Allen
Dragon Shack
Shaun Wade
Ron Jung
Arboreal Exotics
The Ontario Herp Society
The Ontario Turtle and Tortoise Society
Green Oasis
Exotic Wings N Things
The Reptile Store
The Canadian Iguana Care Program
and more to be announced....

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