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News & Events:
Posted by asalzberg on September 28, 2001 at 17:16:19:
The Turtle Survival Alliance, Everyone Has a Role, Speaker Rick Hudson.
Sunday 14 October, 11:00 A.M. at the American Museum of Natural History, New York City.
TSA is probably the first group to actively seek to join herpetologists, zookeepers, breeders and dealers in an effort to save turtles from extinction.
Sponsored by the New York Turtle & Tortoise Society. Enter on 77th Street
between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue (indicate to guard you are
attending the Turtle and Tortoise Society meeting for admission to the
Take mass transit. The C or B (the local) to 81st Street,and just go upstairs) or the 1 or 9 to 79th Street and then walk East to the Museum.)
Rick Hudson, conservation biologist at the Fort Worth Zoo, is co-chair of the
Turtle Survival Alliance. Rick was the Assistant Reptile Curator for twenty
years before moving to the zoo's Conservation Department. He is best known
for his conservation work with lizards, specifically iguanas: he is chairman
of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) Lizard Advisory Group,
coordinator of the Rock Iguana Species Survival Plan, and deputy-chair of the
IUCN West Indian Rock Iguana Specialist Group.
The Fort Worth Zoos chelonian collection was recently reorganized in response
to the Asian Turtle Crisis, and species Rick is currently working with at the
zoo include Manouria impressa, Cuora pani, Cuora trifasciata, Geoclemys
hamiltonii, Callagur borneoensis, and Geoemyda spengleri. The Fort Worth Zoo
successfully bred Manouria emys phayrei in 1983, and Rick maintains a sizable
group of Manouria e. emys at home. Rick also serves on the steering committee
of the AZA Chelonian Advisory Group, and he organized and chaired the Asian
Turtle Workshop in Fort Worth in January of this year.
The Turtle Survival Alliance is an IUCN Partnership Network for Sustainable Captive Management of Freshwater
Turtles and Tortoises: Preserving Options for the Recovery of Wild
The Partners are individuals and institutions who are participating in the
conservation and captive breeding plans for turtle species. Only TSA members,
as defined by the Steering Committee, will be invited to join or accepted as
members of this community.
How to become invloved with the TSA will be a part of Mr. Hudson's
presentation, and those details will be posted in the post meeting NYTTSnews.
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