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Re: help eggs from a cornsnake!!

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Posted by Andyr on May 09, 2002 at 10:02:05:

In Reply to: Re: help eggs from a cornsnake!! posted by benne on April 26, 2002 at 04:31:27:

: : hello i have a question what is the easiest way to make a incubator? my cornsnake has just laid about 10 eggs and i want them to come out can somebody help me plz
: : it would mean a lot to me
: : greetz from belgium benoit

: take an aquarium, put 2 bricks in it and poor water in.just to the top of the bricks. put your eggs in damp vermiculite(not wet) en put in the aquarium on the bricks. put a aquariumwarmer(with thermostat) in the water and so you can heat the whole thing.on top of the aquarium you put a piece of glass so you can regulate the humidity by leaving a bigge or smaller gap.

: don't know the good temps but I'm sure you can find these.
: good luck.benne, from belgium also. :) feel free to mail me.

I've hatched out Gopher snakes (8 out of 7 eggs)
with a very simple incubator. Take a 2 gallon
(you do the conversion) glass jar with a lid. Put a pinhole in the lid, then take a couple of paper towels fold them to fit the bottom of the jar.
LIGHTLY dampen them lay the eggs on them put the lid on the jar. The jar will have condensation on the sides. Only open the jar to wipe off any mold/fungus that might be trying to grow on the eggs. Only do this as necessary, don't disturbe
the eggs. Good Luck!
Andy ><>

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