Posted by MIKE on August 10, 1999 at 12:15:31:
I have been offered a pair of V.scalaris. I've seen photo's of v.timorensis,v.similis and v.scalaris. And I have been able to EXCLUDE the possibility that they are timor's THEY ARE NOT timor's.The pair I'm getting look just like the one's in Daniel Bennett's book "Monitor lizard's" on page 245 top photo and bottom photo's only! They also look just like the one's on an updated web page at entitled REPTILE'S OF AUSTAILIA.Yet they look nothing like Python Pete's.Mine are black and grey to white the male has only a few rosette's most of his pattern is broken up. The female has more rosette's and a slightly banded pattern.I need someone to e-mail me with some photo's of V.scalaris and V.similis,or look up the sight's I gave and tell me what you know. I need to know the difference's in these two monitor's.The V.scalaris Python Pete has are brown with even band's of rosette's. I live in the mid-west of the USA, I need to get to the bottom of this issue as I am making a trade for these Monitor's and if they turn out not to be Varanus Scalaris I will not make the trade. Please help thank you MIKE