Posted by Matt Campbell on December 01, 1998 at 12:50:25:
I'm in the process of acquiring a Scheltopusik (Ophisaurus apodus). I am searching for all available information on this species. Additionally I am compiling this information for a caresheet and also for a magazine article to be published in one of the major herpetoculture magazines. One source I read stated that Fritz Jurgen Obst had compiled all available information on Ophisaurus apodus (common names: Scheltopusik, Panzerschleiche), in Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas, W. Bohme (Ed.) Wiesbaden:Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft (publisher?). My request is anyone who may have this handbook, could you please contact me via email. I would like to see if I can possibly have that information translated. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you do not have the book but know someone who does, perhaps you could forward this request onto them. Thank you again. Matthew Campbell Athens, Georiga United States of America or