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A TRAP! Thats what you need!

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Posted by Colleen on November 06, 2001 at 18:01:23:

In Reply to: Kingsnake escape-need help! posted by Christy on October 19, 2001 at 07:29:07:

Ofcourse if you know about where he is its better... they're suckers for food. I caught my sneaky little ball python once by putting a mouse cage (top open) in a laundry basket... filled the basket with crumpled up newspaper and put the mouse holder on top of that... it was a noisemaker and sure enough, a couple of hours after i went to sleep THERE HE WAS... dooo da doo... mousie huntin. even if you don't catch him, at least he gets to eat! Also, I always left water bowls around or a full bathtub if we had an escapee so they didn't die while i was hunting them. THEY WILL COME OUT AT NIGHT so every time you get up in the night go searching... usually you'll just stumble across them crossing a hallway or something. Once we found a baby ball python on the kitchen COUNTER... he couldn't have gotten farther from the cage he was lost from, but the babies do strange things exploring. GOOD LUCK.

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