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Escaped corn...found in less than 24 hours.

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Posted by sean on October 26, 2001 at 09:15:29:

I see all these posts about escaped snakes and how long it takes for people to find them or not find them at all. Well I had cleaned out all of my cages and waterbowls on Wednesday and went to feed my snakes on Thursday. I get to my Okeetee corn and he's gone! I bought him at the Daytona show this year and house him in a sterilite container. He was hatched in August and is about 7-8 inches long so you get an idea of his size. My snakes are kept in their own room upstairs in my home. I keep towels pushed under the doors so if anything does escape, it will be kept confined to the room. Well I searched the room quite thoroughly and nothing to be found. I figured he will show up eventually or if he did find his way out of that room, the cats would surely get him. I was getting ready to go to sleep last nite and my cats will sit at my bedroom door sometimes and paw at the door trying to get in. It annoys me at times. They were doing it last nite just as I was about to turn the light off and what do you know...little okeetee comes slithering up under the door into my room. And my room is downstairs...a bit of a distance for the little guy to travel. How he made it down the stairs past the cats without being harmed is beyond me. If it hadn't been for the cats getting my attention, I wouldn't have even noticed he had gotten into my room. Lucky day for me!

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