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Black snake escape

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Posted by Kristin on October 25, 2001 at 12:18:25:

I found a black snake in the hills of KY. My boyfriend always wanted a pet snake, so we decided to keep him. He was not very friendly and did not appreciate being couped up. After a few days, I came home one evening from work. As I walked up the stairs to my apt, I opened the screen door to unlock the main door and gasped in surprise/fear. The snake had gotten out of its home, smelled its way to freedom, clithered under the main door and found that it could not get past the screen door. He must have maneuvered himself up the door knob and had actually curled himself in the door windows. This door has two rows of 3 small seperated windows and he was curled up in the creases!! Well, snakes aren't my favorite pet (tarantulas are!!) so I was a bit wary of capturing him. So, I carefully opened the door to get in the house, he stayed put, but veeeery cautious. I grabbed a fish net and a large paint brush, all I could find suitable for snake capture! After about 10 minutes of fearfully coaxing and speedily dodging lunges, I finally got him in back in his enclosure. He was sent free in the hills the next day. :)

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