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Old skink escape story

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Posted by Dmitry Popov on October 06, 2001 at 19:28:53:

I was going away for a month to go to a family event. My neighbor, also a herper, was trusted to take care of me various snakes, lizards and turtles. When I got back, he informed me Sticky, one of my blue tongue skinks, escaped about 2 days ago. Obviously, I was a bit ticked, but it was an accident. Besides, he is my best herp buddy. Anyways, about a week later, I brewed a huge pot of coffee. I love coffee. I didn't bother dumping the remains of the coffee until I made a new pot. Old habit of mine. Anyways, I went downstairs to feed my retics, when I thought I heard something upstairs. I went into the kitchen, and noticed Sticky lapping up the coffee like it was the best drink he ever had in his life. I grabbed him, put him in quarantine, just in case, and phoned the vet. Hey, I never had this happen before. The vet told me it shouldn't bother old Sticky, but he 'might' be a bit wired for a while. Sticky was VERY wired. He moved at lightning speed, never keeping still for a second. It was very funny to watch. The morale of the story? Give skinks decaf

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