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Gecko trap.

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Posted by Vladimire on March 17, 2002 at 09:13:20:

In Reply to: 8 escapes. PLZ help. posted by obeligz on March 16, 2002 at 11:30:36:

This is actually a design for a bait trap when fishing, but I twice used it for herps. Once for a day gecko, the other for a baby bearded dragon. Take a 2 litre pop bottle and cut the top off about 3/4 of the way. Take the top and take it so that the hole is facing inside the bottom top can. Put some sort of food inside, like mealworms and the like. Also, so that the gecko can have some grip, tape the 'ramp' with med tape. Not sure what it's called, but it's used for holding a large bandage together. Hope that helps, and I hope you know what I'm talking off.

: Hello.
: Last night before my girlfriend went to bed she watered the large mouring gecko tank (Lepidodactylus lugubris) and forgot to close it.
: During the night about 8 of the geckoes in there escaped.
: Now I have 8 loose geckoes in my herp room.
: geckoes are approx 9cm (3.5 inch).
: Temps in the herp room are suitable for them but not the humidity. I recon they'll last atleast 2 weeks but I still would like to catch them since several of them have eggs in them.

: How do I catch them?
: Does anyone have a design for a gecko trap?

: Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
: regards
: obeligz

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