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Tiger Salamander lost & found story.

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Posted by Russell G on January 21, 2002 at 19:26:21:

Several years ago when I still lived at home with the parents, I had a couple of tiger salamanders for pets. Some of the coolest amphibians you could ever own. One day I came home from work to find the bigger one missing from his tank. Tigers are pretty burly little things and I guessed he must have pushed the lid open somehow and made a break for it. As one normally does when an animal gets loose, I completely tore my room apart and then expanded my search from there. I looked everywhere (or so I thought at the time), but to no avail. After a couple of days of looking I gave up hope. I figured that if dehydration didn't get him, one of our cats would. On the third day after he got out, I was sitting on the couch watching tv, when from the garage I heard my mom start screaming for me to get out there. She had been taking a load of laundry out of the washing machine when she saw something squirming around at the bottom. To our complete and utter amazement, there was my tiger salamander. He had gotten mixed in with my laundry and had gone for a ride in the washing machine. I carefully picked him up and looked him over. He looked back at me with that stoney 'mander look that he always wore, maybe just a little more wide eyed. I carried him back to his tank and put him back in with his girlfriend. He started swimming around like nothing had happened. I tossed him a cricket to see if he would eat. He gobbled it up and ate three or four more before crawling up on his rock to take a nap. I was completely speachless. I am still in awe of his ability to survive a ride in the washing machine. Can you imagine what the spin cyled must have been like? He lived for many more years after that and never showed any visible signs of trauma from his big adventury.

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