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thinkin' bout a coral snake

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Posted by Chance on May 08, 2003 at 12:14:03:

In Reply to: thinkin' bout a coral snake posted by Zugiro on May 08, 2003 at 10:48:33:

:I've been considering getting an eastern/arizona coral snake.
:But I'm concerned about what I would feed it since they're snake eaters and it's not too realistic for me to find snakes for it to eat. Do they/ will they eat small lizards? I've heard they
:have been known to accept pinkies wrapped in shed snake skin, but that would mean I could only feed it when it sheds. please give me some helpful advice if you please.

Hey Anton. If you're worried about the specialist feeding habits of the coral snake, then maybe you should try going with something a little less picky. I've known of people whose corals would eat small skinks and even pinky mice, however the latter is at best few and far between. Also, because the coral has evolved solely on reptilian prey, we've yet to really find out if feeding them mammalian prey, even if they'll take it, is even good for them. If you can't find small snakes/lizards to feed them, then it's probably best to go with something else. If you're just hell bent on acquiring an elapid that looks similar, have you thought of the coral cobras from Africa? These guys can be a bit pricey at times, but they are beutiful (just as much or more than a coral, IMO), will generally readily take rodents, have a far more impressive threat display (though that's not really too much of a big deal), and you might actually see them out and about once in a while. With a coral, it's a good bet that you'll never see the snake unless you go digging for it, which can cause it's own problems. Anyway, just thought I'd try to help.

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