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Perfect mamba cage? maybe...

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Posted by Scott Eipper on April 24, 2003 at 22:11:55:

In Reply to: Perfect mamba cage? maybe... posted by Chance on April 24, 2003 at 07:29:06:


You have a habit of pis$ing in a person's face after they gve you advice.

I seem to recall you asking questions of a fairly rudimentry level about feeding and caging in young elapids and yet now you are keeping Dendroaspis?

Snakes that don't feed when you get them very common in many species/genera....i have 8 neonate Pseudechis porphyriacus (Red Bellied Blacks) and 2 Notechis scutatus (Tiger Snakes)neonates that I currently in the process of getting to feed for the first time....At this stage I am forcing small fish. They should be feeding on mice by themselves within 12 no real worry.

Why do I say this...when you go into "hot" keeping prior experience is generally a must if you are to stay without bites...I started with hots and I have made those silly mistakes and had a large elapid chewing on my finger because of it.

I make comments to try and benefit people who are in the world of venomous snakes and slagging off people is'nt a good way to go about it.

You called me awhile back, some less than favorable things when I said that from your posts I did'nt sound like It was safe for you to be keeping what you were. Not my problem, my laws won't change because of people on the other side of the world, others on this forum might however see it differently.


Scott Eipper...still alive and kicking in the land of elapids!

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