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PK Press: Slippery customers get free bus ride

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Posted by W von Papineäu on March 15, 2003 at 10:48:04:

DAILY TIMES (Karachi, Pakistan) 14 March 03 Slippery customers get free bus ride
(AFP): Two people have been arrested for taking 130 poisonous snakes including cobras onto a bus in Indonesia, police said Thursday.
The man and woman were arrested Wednesday after police saw them carrying several rucksacks and boxes after they got off the bus at Cibitung in West Java, said a policeman on duty in the nearby town of Bekasi.
Inside the sacks and boxes police found at least 100 cobras — some two meters (6.6 feet) long — as well as 30 other poisonous snakes, said the officer.
He said the couple claimed they intended to sell the snakes to restaurants. They were detained for endangering bus passengers and the snakes had been secured inside a box at the police station.
“None of my colleagues are going anywhere near the area,” said the officer, who declined to be identified. Many restaurants in Indonesia sell snake blood and meat for its supposed health-giving properties.

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