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Re: Aggresive snake?

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Posted by Larry D. Fishel on March 11, 2003 at 13:46:59:

In Reply to: Aggresive snake? posted by Cobraking on March 07, 2003 at 21:32:29:

Like Gilbert said, a racer or a coachwhip might give you experience handling a fast snake on hooks, but an agressive racer doesn't compare to an agressive mamba for two reasons. One is that the mamba knows he can kill you and may charge you where a racer will bluff you and stop short. The other is that YOU know the mamba can kill you and that cranks your adrenaline level through the roof the first couple times in a way that the racer can't match...

Of course I guess what you really wanted to know about was cobras, and I can't really think of a nonvenomous snake that behaves anything like they do...which seems totally different from mambas...but I haven't had that much experience with cobras other than kings (which is probably not where you want to start).

:I have been catching and keeping snakes for a total of 5 years, and have been catching hots for 2 years. I would like to get a cobra sometime in the near future, and I would like to know what type of non-venomous snakes have the aggresiveness and speed of a black mamba.

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