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Posted by Chance on March 11, 2003 at 10:57:23:

In Reply to: Sunset's, Leucistics,and Lies... posted by diamondreptile on March 11, 2003 at 09:37:51:

Hey Mitch. I saw an ad not too very long ago from a guy down in Texas trying to sell his albino het for sunset monocled. I thought this sounded pretty suspicious, but passed it off as I had no interest in acquiring the snake. You may want to go to and do a search through the Classifieds, as I believe that is where I saw the ad. With any luck, it may still be there. I'm sorry I can't help with any more information, as whoever is doing this crap needs to be found out and have the proper procedures taken against him. If I'm remembering right, the albino het for sunset was being sold for between $400 and $500. I had no idea this person was using your name to try and get his normal albino sold for an outrageous price. If I come across anything else, I'll be sure to let you know. Good luck in finding the idiot responsible!

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