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Re: Kraits

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Posted by Ferdelance_1 on February 21, 2003 at 22:16:52:

In Reply to: Kraits posted by Zugiro on February 21, 2003 at 14:46:47:

BTW how does the toxicity of Bungarus fasciatus compare to that of the black mamba? I know they're supposed to be much deadlier than the commmon cobra naja naja

Based on LD50 testing, (in mice not humans), Dendroaspis polylepis and Naja naja venom is considerably more toxic than B. fasciatus. On the other hand, B. multicinctus is more toxic than D. polylepis, and B. caeruleus' venom is very close to being as toxic as D. polylepis.

The thing to remember is: that bites inflicted by all species of Bungarus, Dendroaspis, and Naja, ( with the possible exception of Naja pallida), are potentially fatal without immediate and proper medical treatment.

One more thing: Just because B. fasciatus' vemom appears to be the least toxic ot the more common Krait species, don't under estimate the lethality of this species venom, because their are many tombstones in Asia that attest otherwise.


Derek K.

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