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Re: Coral snakes wanted

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Posted by AZ Hot Rod God on February 19, 2003 at 17:31:29:

In Reply to: Coral snakes wanted posted by Zugiro on February 18, 2003 at 20:18:48:

:I'm wondering where I could get an arizon/western coral snake. I've heard of places with eastern coral snakes but I really like the brilliant colors of the desert snakes

I was just wondering the same thing. My sidewinder unexpectedly died today so I have any empty void & cage to fill now. It was the first snake that I've ever had die on me so it's still kind of a shock to me. Anywho, I live in Arizona and AZ law states that you can keep Non-Protected Venomous Snakes without a permit and the Arizona Coral Snake isn't one of the protected species. I'm still waiting on some info as to buying one from a breeder and having it shipped to AZ. I'm not too clear as to whether you are allowed to ship venomous snakes into Arizona even if they are non-protected native species. But if you hear of anything as to where you can get Arizona Coral Snakes, then please feel free to contact me here on Kingsnake or

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