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Re: hooking cobras

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Posted by Chance on January 25, 2003 at 23:46:09:

In Reply to: hooking cobras posted by Vipers4234 on January 25, 2003 at 17:34:40:

:Do most spectacleds hook well?

I'd say most do, however there are always going to be exceptions to any given "rule." Babies will likely be a lot more squirmy than adults. However, some adults may be just as squirmy as juveniles. I currently house 2.2 monocled cobras (pretty closely related to the specs), and all of them will stay on a hook very well. The youngest male, albino at around 2.5' in length, is sometimes a little slippery, but generally nothing to worry about. I don't hook and tail him as a point of caution. However, the other three have proven to be quite easy to handle using the traditional hook and tail method or just using a hook and not touching the snake at all (though I don't recommend this as it can be very stressful on the snake's ribs where it drapes across the hook).

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