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UK Press: Prepared For Anything - Except An 11ft Snake

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Posted by W von Papineäu on January 24, 2003 at 12:53:07:

WEST CUMBERLAND TIMES & STAR (Workington, UK) 24 January 03 Prepared For Anything - Except An 11ft Snake
Scouts are prepared for almost anything - but even a pocket knife would have been no match for the 11 foot long King Cobra that invaded the world jamboree camp in Thailand.
There could have been rich pickings for the venomous snake as it slithered around the camp of 10,000 sleeping scouts.
Participant Michael Hewitt, of Maryport, said everyone was more than a little jumpy when they heard about the snake, which was reported to be as thick as a human thigh.
It is one of the most powerful reptiles in the world and swallows its prey whole.
Michael, of High Street, may have returned to freezing temperatures in West Cumbria last week but he was happy to leave the snakes behind.
He said: "I never saw the snake but it was scary knowing it was about and everyone had to be on their guard."
There was little to stop the snake getting into the tent where he slept with the contingent from north west England, he said.
The Thai navy had to be drafted in to catch it after the local police realised it was more than they could handle.
Once it was caught, the Scouts could relax and enjoy the World Jamboree 2003.

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