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Request for Survey Participants!

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Posted by WK on January 16, 2003 at 19:11:32:

Dear Forum Members,

I am conducting a survey aimed at learning more about reptiles and allergy, particularly venom allergy. If you have kept reptiles continuously for at least 6 months (any reptiles), or have worked with reptile venoms for at least six months, please consider taking part in this survey. The survey consists of 16 questions that I will e-mail to you. You simply have to answer the questions, which are in multiple choice format, and return (e-mail) the completed survey to me. I can also send and receive surveys via fax. It really shouldn�t take more than a few minutes, and you would be helping all of us learn more about the relationship between keeping / working with reptiles and allergies.

Any personal information obtained in the survey will be kept in strict confidence so you need not worry about anyone learning your e-mail, name, what animals you keep, etc.

Please indicate your willingness to participate in this survey by sending an e-mail to me at the following address:

I will be glad to answer any questions you might have concerning the survey - just include them with your e-mail.

I thank those of you who have already e-mailed me. Your help is greatly appreciated!


Wasil Khan, MD, PhD

PLEASE NOTE! I obtained permission from the Pet Hoobyist / Administration to post this message on the forums. Posting messages without such permission to multiple forums is a violation of the Pet Hobbyist / Terms of Service.

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