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Re: Ophiophagus hannah

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Posted by oxyuranus on December 16, 2002 at 07:01:18:

In Reply to: Ophiophagus hannah posted by Viper on December 15, 2002 at 13:39:14:


First thing you need to do is take the snake to an experienced herp vet for a thorough checkup - with emphasis on identifying any parasite load - and treating it right the first time to remove this impediment to recovery.

Next, with regards the nose rubbing - remove the cause of the problem by keeping this snake in as large an enclosure as you can, providing a hidebox, and (at least for a month or two) completely covering the front of the cage, and avoiding all possible stressors.

If the nose rub doesn't involve broken skin I suggest you do nothing else but let nature take its course, and allow it to heal without intervention.

You next problem is sorting the animal out in terms of nutrition. Unless you know this animal has a history of feeding on rodents or thawed snakes I recommend that you begin by simply introducing medium sized (30" to 40") feeder snakes into the cage alive and let the king establish a feeding pattern. If the animal has been without food for some time it is important not to overdo initial feedings since its digestive system might not be able to cope - and the last thing you want to deal with are regurgitations - or worse - putrification in the gut of the snake.

Once the animal is feeding regularly you should graduate from live to stunned to freshly killed snakes ... from there you can start using surgical cotton to add chains of 2-3 freshly thawed rodents to the ophidian entree ... after that offer snake scented rodents ... and in time the king may graduate to eating thawed unscented rats.

Over time the snake will become accustomed to his enclosure and you can initially uncover small sections of the front of the cage - allowing the snake to investigate the world through the glass - if nose rubbing begins again, you may have to either put a one-way tint on the glass to stop him/her seeing out, or alternatively move him to a groundlevel, top-opening cage with no glass/perspex on the sides or front.

Good luck. If you remember that stress does more harm to WC kings than any other factor, and take steps to keep stress to the absolute minimum you should be quite successful.


David Williams

:I am not new to the Venomous Herp world. But, I have just brought home 9' wild caught Indo King with some problems that I need some help with. This snake has been Very mistreated and is Very Skinny. He has a Super Nose rub and needs some serious T.L.C. He still has the Rostal scale but has a serious rub right above it. I am wondering what I need to put on this snakes nose to help this heal up? or should I just let it shed out? It is not a open wound but look very Pink and alittle swollen. Knowing the intellegence of this snake I cannot help but feel sorry for him every time I look at him and, I want to do everything in my power to help him out without stressing him out any more than I have to. also on the count of his low body waight I feel Common sense telling me to feed him several small meals to fatten him up faster. but please tell me if I am wrong.
:I Trully appreciate all of your help in advance.
:Thank You

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