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Re: ATTN: Jeremy G. (Naja nigricollis)?

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Posted by Jeremy G on December 10, 2002 at 05:55:44:

In Reply to: ATTN: Jeremy G. (Naja nigricollis)? posted by Ferdelance_1 on December 04, 2002 at 19:25:40:

Hi Derek,
Yep my email is the same. Drop me a line when you get a chance.

As for the Blk neck, Frank S had sold me a pair of neonates and though I went ahead and gave the male away, I decided to keep the stubborn feeder female of all things! Probally should have kept the male too but I didnt want the headache of haveing 2 8 ft plus spitting cobras, at this time anyway:-)

As for my little blk headed darling, though she has been eating better as of late (everyother attempt)she is still small for her age and needs to decide she likes mice. The only way thus far Ive been able to get her to feed is by useing chicken sent. Hopefully, she will take the unsented fuzzy I left in her cage this morning, for the first time. Fingers crossed.

Well bud, let me know whats up.

All the best,

:Hey Jeremy,

:When and where did you acquire your specimen, ooops I mean pet, (LOL, LOL, ! ! !), of Naja nigricollis?

:"Doah", I must have been in "outer space" when this acquisition took place.

:Please elaborate.


:Derek K.

:BTW: Hope to see you in person in the near future, will email you privately about details. Is your addy still the same ?

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