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Thanks again WW! N/M

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Posted by Jeremy G on December 02, 2002 at 09:36:13:

In Reply to: Re: Asiatic Naja questions.... posted by WW on November 27, 2002 at 13:06:13:

::Hey WW,
::Thanks for the info. Pretty much what I thought, with regards to the spitters. However, I did think N. philippinensis was renouned for being a bad loogy hurler. Thinking this made me belive that they had a highly adapted spitting fang. Could it be that their more prone to spit then the others (Atra and kaouthia)or was I misinformed?

:No, I believe they are very prone to spitting (never worked with one myself) However, that seems to be due to different behaviour rather than different fang morphology.

::With all of this talk of spitters, I have one more question. How do African spitter fangs compare with Asiatic? More or less advanced or are they the same?

:Rather similar to the most highly modified Asian fangs.

:: Being as I have 1 Naja kaouthia and 1 Naja nigricollis, it would be nice to compare fangs(when I find one craped out)and see just how different they are. However, unless African naja have the same exact fang structure, examining the nigreicollis wont do anything for my curiosity regarding the Asiatic Naja fangs.

:You should find a very obvious difference betwen N. nigricollis and N. kaouthia - the fang orifice in N. nigricollis is much shorter and rounder than the longer orifice of N. kaouthia.

::Ok, one last spitter fang question:-) How evolved is H.haemachatus compared too true spitting Naja? I have heard they are the most adanced and most acurate but this was off of a TV special so I take the info with a grain of salt.

:No, that appears to be correct, at least according to the studies of Bogert.

::As for the Abbarent Naja kaouthia, I will try and get some good close up scale shots, next time I visit Chad Bachman and his collection. He has a colony of them.

::BTW, when and if I do take these pictures, what scales would prove the most usefull for identification? Guess I should go to your site and see for myself, rather then keep makeing you repeat yourself:-)

:Ventrals, subcaudals, scale rows around hood - all the pain in the @$$ counts, in other words ;-)



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