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Well, kinda....

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Posted by Chance on November 06, 2002 at 22:13:56:

In Reply to: Idea!!!!!!!! posted by CobraKing on November 06, 2002 at 14:35:21:

There certainly are companies that sell "feeder snakes" which are usually wc rat snakes and racers (go for anywhere from $5 up a piece). I think the reason there aren't more people breeding snakes specifically for feeding is how expensive it would be to maintain relatively inexpensive snakes (it would cost much more than $5 to maintain a snake or it's mother and father just to sell it for that). Also, snakes don't reproduce very quickly, so they just aren't as economically feasable as mass producing rats and mice, etc. If people did breed feeder specific snakes, you'd probably end up seeing much higher prices being asked for them just to try to cover their own expense. I personally think it's a shame that wild population are raped in huge numbers to supply owners of king cobras and such, but unfortunately that's all those snakes will I guess it's just a crappy situation all around. I know I'll never keep a purely ophiophagous snake simply for the fact that I could never afford to be constantly shipping snakes to me to be used as feeders. And many keepers that do keep these snakes will get the snakes a month or so before they are to be fed so that they can treat them for parasites (otherwise it would be pointless to treat your captive reptile for them, as every time they eat they would be replenished). Just my thoughts anyway...

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