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Australian Elapids

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Posted by craigcoleman on November 04, 2002 at 23:28:31:

Hi guys. Sorry to disrupt the fantasic arguments that are going on in this forum, but I was wondering if I might be able to get some legitament infomation out of someone.
Ive kept Austalian elapids on and off for around 8 years but really havent been all that serious about breeding etc, and have previously just kepts a few odd adults. Its now been a few years since I last kept an elapid. I am looking for as much info on caging for Red Bellied Blacks, and Tigers as I can. I have read most papers on the internet and I have read a few books all seem to have conflicting ideas, which is understandable.

The questions are:

For an average sized Red Bellied Black (4-5ft) is a cage 75cmL x 60cmD x 40H an ok size??????? I am also looking at using the same size for Tigers and Collets. Only one animal per cage will be used. They will all have red globes and a thermostate as the heat source and a glass hinged doorfor access
I am aware that alot of people tend to use larger cages for colletts, so would 3ft x 2ft (90cm x 60cm) be more appropriate?

I am also looking at meeting and or emailing as many people as I can in south QLD or anywhere in Australia who keep these Elapids. Friendship, and info swaping would be great? anyone?
Some info on where I might be able to obtain these snakes would be gerat as well... anyone with sub adults/adults for sale??

Would also like to say, I met Ramond Hoser last weekend at the QLD herp society meeting, and think he is a top bloke. Love the CD of Fred's show ray, its great..... and Scott, I think you have some balls with that inland!!!! Also think your male combat bit is great..

Any Info would be excellent... feel free to email me direct

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