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Hey Ray

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Posted by atraxneil on October 29, 2002 at 17:45:15:

Had a laugh as I read the posts by your mates below.
Anyway, I got that book from the WA Museum today and it used all your adder names, bottomi (now a full species) and wellsei.
Seems like David Williams and his mates are the only blokes whining about your taxonomy and since when has anyone listened to them?
Didn't I tell you all those penis envy types would rant and rave as soon as you named that last Taipan!
Also, read your latest adder paper today. Good stuff. By the way, I've got your clothes you left at my place last week. Your worse than your mother.
I'll hang on to them until you come down for the November meeting.
Bye. PS Have a good trip.

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