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Some Taipan and Watercobra pictures

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Posted by Richard Mastenbroek on October 18, 2002 at 13:06:00:

Hello just some pictures of some snakes :-)

A Australian Coastal Taipan Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus Captive bred 2002 . This young male is born in January and measures already a length of 3 feet, It’s a real feeding machine

A Australian Coastal Taipan Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus Captive bred 2002 This snake is not aggressive but has a strong feeding response its fed very often and kept on a high temperature to let it grow fast in his first year

A Australian Coastal Taipan Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus Captive bred 2002 This is the female she is born in February and is only 2,5 feet long and not as massive build as the male

A Australian Coastal Taipan Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus Captive bred 2002

A Australian Coastal Taipan Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus Captive bred 2002. Another shot of the female she has a really light head and a nice coppery red colour

Banded Water Cobra Boulengirina annulata annulata Wild catch 2002 from Congo. This is the male he is only 2 feet long but feeds well on with goldfish scented pinkies

Banded Water Cobra Boulengirina annulata annulata Wild catch 2002 from Congo. This is a picture of the female she does not eat mice yet so she is fed on goldfish only, I hope to get her on mice as soon as possible as they grow quicker on mice than on fish. This snake is darker in colour than the male

Banded Water Cobra Boulengirina annulata annulata Wild catch 2002 from Congo Close up from the female

Red Spitting Cobra Naja pallida Captive bred 1998. This female is huge with a length of 190 cm ( 7 feet) This snake is bought on the European Snakeday on October 5th this snake is a nice specimen but is fed to much as she is really fat and as we always do with fat woman we put her on diet ;-)

Red Spitting Cobra Naja pallida Captive bred 1998. This female is huge with a length of 190 cm ( 7 feet) Another shot of the fat lady

Black and White Spitting Cobra Naja siamensis Captive bred 1996. This male is a large snake with a length of 160 cm ( 6 feet) One of my first cobras but still one of the nicest snakes I have in my collection.

With Best Regards,

Richard Mastenbroek (MrTaipan)

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