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Blk Paks...

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Posted by Jeremy G on October 09, 2002 at 08:45:52:

In Reply to: Re: Not true.... posted by Chance on October 08, 2002 at 09:53:03:

Though I have very little hands on experince working with this sp, I can comment on my very limited knowledge about em. First off, they fall almost into the same catogory as kaouthia. Naja naja and Naja kaouthia, in my experince, act very similar! They both seem slow and clumsey. The paks are no exception! However, unlike some specimens of Naja naja from other parts of the sp range which seem to calm down(every Sir Lankin specimen I have veiwed seemed rather laid back)Blk Paks, atleast from what I have witnessed are always pi$$y and on edge. They are probally the most dependable hooders I have ever seen! They do also tend to strike with open mouth alot but the strikes are just like kaouthia, slow and uncordinated.

I would class em in the same boat as Naja naja and Najqa kaouthia. Remember, even though they are gumps comparitivly speaking, they are still some of the hottest Naja and will mess you up big time!

Hope that helped.


::As for venomoids calming down, almost any snake will calmm down with frequent handleing.

:That is true, any animal will eventually become "tame" around people (i.e. not try to kill them every time they come around). However, this big girl venomoid monocled that I have was obviously w.c. recently (she arrived with exotic ticks and much scalation damage), yet she's the most docile cobra I've ever seen. The other big monocled I have, however, that came from ERJ, is as I said in my earlier post, a nightmare! He's probably comparable to your friend's black pak. By the way, what is it about those guys? It seems like everything I hear about them talks about how crazy they are. Probably a snake I will never keep....

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