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Re: Cobras

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Posted by Chance on October 03, 2002 at 12:10:23:

In Reply to: Cobras posted by Patrik on October 01, 2002 at 08:37:56:

:i like to know the maximum lenght of naja kaouthia and if they are more or less toxic then naja naja.

Monocled cobras, at full adult length, can range from about 5' to 7', depending on their genetics. I've seen some huge individuals as big as your arm or thicker that had to be pushing 7', and I have some smaller "normally-sized" adults myself that are around 5' or so. I'd say monocleds are one of the medium cobra species, as other species like melanoleuca and haje can reach rather large sizes.

Now, as far as toxicity, that's something that is evidently going to be debated until either the end of time, or until enough money can be gathered to do the necessary research. I've heard and read that kaouthia is much more toxic than naja, and I've heard and read the opposite. I kind of lean toward kaouthia being more toxic, but that's just through a layman's observations. Your best bet is to not be tagged by either one of them, of course.

:does any one know any good site with care sheets of naja species?

Though I don't know the URL right off hand nor do I have it bookmarked, Richard Mastenbroek has a myriad of pages devoted to the captive husbandry of these snakes. Do a search for his name, or look at his posts on the forums as he usually puts his page on there.

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